
WM. T. McCoy Post #92



 Girls State is an American Legion Auxiliary program to empower and educate young women across Minnesota in Americanism and city, county and state government. This nation-wide program is well-known and recognized by the National Secondary Principal’s Association.  

The Minnesota program is held one week each June on Bethel University campus in Arden Hills, MN., a suburb of St. Paul, MN. The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 92’s sponsorship of this program includes the program fee, materials, all meals and dormitory room and transportation costs.

Minnesota Girls State is a week long program for high school young women, who have just completed their junior year. Our program is non-political, non-partisan and non-secretarian and is completely sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. The citizens gather first hand knowledge as to how our system of government functions and will leave with a sense of pride and enthusiasm about her responsibility in becoming a future leader. She is also given the opportunity to make life-long friends with citizens from througout the State of Minnesota.

Eligibility Requirements:

1. Candidate must be in her junior year.  She must be attending a Minnesota public, charter, home school, parochial or private school or be a resident of Minnesota.

2. She must show respect for the American Flag and be willing and eager to pledge her allegiance to it.

3. She may not have participated as a citizen in any previous session of Girls State.

4. She should be physically healthy.

5. She should have an above average scholastic standing.

6. She should be of high moral character.

7. She should have an interest in government and current events.

8. She should have strong leadership abilities.

9. No citizen may leave the college campus at any time, for any reason, except on Girls State-planned excursions.

10. There should be no late arrivals.

Citizens for Girls State do not have to be daughters or relatives of American Legion Auxiliary members, but they must be sponsored by an Auxiliary Unit.

Questions regarding Girls State can be sent to auxiliarypresident@rochestermnlegion.org.

Applications must be received by Unit #92
no later than April 1, 2024.